I’ve always understood that doing something right takes a bit more time and effort than just doing something well.  And, I’ve come to demand that I do things right for clients and partners alike.  This approach might be best summed up in the emerging movement of Slow Design.

Slow Design is a realistic approach to web development that focuses on creating tailored solutions for the long-term success of a project.  It defines long-term success both in terms of the developer’s immediate project goals and the client’s extended needs throughout that project’s life-cycle.

It would be short-sighted to confuse “Slow Design” with “designing slowly”.  In fact, the Slow Design movement aims to save some of the lost time, energy and costs that often follow a project done well.  Certainly, some of these things cannot be avoided in a project.  But, when a project is done right, it only needs to be done once.  And, doing it once means less time, energy and cost over the life of that project.  It usually means a better end result, too.

Slow Design takes the client’s needs seriously, while striving to find a balance between brand-personality, form and function.  A project can look great and work well, but fall short on brand recognition.  And that can have an incredible effect on that project’s overall success.  By taking the extra time and effort to more fully understand the goals of a project, my clients and I can better work together to avoid that disappointing end.

So, really, the Slow Design movement is a very user-centered process that aims to research, clearly define and fulfill a client’s requirements for a project.

I work for my clients.  But, I also work with them.  And, I do my best to make that relationship work for both our needs.

That’s Slow Design.

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